A continuation of research into the odd world of Lorem Ipsum: empty shapes for commercial or informative purposes - spaces for placing a message. The banner is composed by elements popular in graphic use such as ornaments, fading colors, pixelated dots and spray can effects known as 'grunge'-style. Colors are kept bright but few to catch one's attention without too much distraction from the actual subject. In this case the content is informative more than commercial though these are often intertwined as they share the aim to spread a message. The banner reads "Coming soonÉ The self extinction of humankind is approaching - The end is near" as a prediction of a future apocalypse caused by humankind itself. There is a rather unintended religious sound to the 'prophecy' of the statement - probably a result of a form where precision and brevity is necessary and nuanced elaboration impossible. The subject matter of the statement is likewise an outcome of the form's invitation to state something vital and this is obviously an important subject to the developer of the banner.